

is for Traditions........ and Time

Do you have traditions? Either with your kids, your friends or your family? Something you may only do at Christmas, or every summer?

I have some weird ones......

eating M&M's on Christmas morning
attending the Strawberry Festival parade
buying the chitlins trinkets for every holiday 
camping with the hood every August
scrap booking weekend every January

And the list goes on and on. Something happens out of a funny story, you adapt to a situation where everything goes wrong, or you just have piss-poor planning.

As far back as I remember, my mom would get my sister and I something cool for every holiday, of course going overboard for Christmas and Easter.

We would get heart covered socks on Valentine's Day, green oatmeal for St. Patrick's Day and firework shaped earrings for the 4th of July.

Well, I now do that for Doodle and Lil C. I go C-R-A-Z-Y for Easter, and just hog wild for every other holiday. I love to see the look on their faces when they get these special treats. I start buying stuff as soon as I see the displays, usually like a month before the actual holiday. Before long, I have mounds of stuff!

I certainly hope Lil C and Doodle takes these goofy, funky, weird traditions and pass them along to their children, furthering my legacy and my mom's.


Heals all wounds. Yes, it does. Today, my ex-husband got re-married. I actually have no problem with this, and hope they are happy. Even though HeeHaw drives me ape shit, he is now HER problem, not mine!


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