Young at Heart

Tuesday CHB and I made a trip to the Blockbuster to search out this documentary. (Well, CHB also needed to hunt down her Season 5 disc 4 and 5 of LOST. You should have seen the people in Blockbuster at 9:30 at night. W.O.W.) Thanks to ChaCha and her post, I knew I had to see it.

So we sat down to watch it last night. It was wonderful! It made me laugh, it made me tear up, and it made me strive to stay Young at Heart myself. I felt like I had just inherited about 12 new grandparents, and I found myself wanting to be friends with Lenny for sure. Do NOT confuse this with wanting to be a passenger in his little car!

Knowing that they are all over the age of 74, and that we are only here on this earth for a short period of time makes this story more poignant. I looked at CHB when it was all over and I said to her: "I hope to be like that when I am that age".

I know that CHB and I will be close to each other, if not in the same nursing home when we are older. We will have walker races down the hall, teepee each other's houses, and take Craigslist roadtrips until we can't get out of our chairs anymore. I know we will have as much fun as we possibly can and make the best of our time. But the point of this film, in my humble opinion, is to remind us all that you only live once. Take each day to do what you want to do and not put anything off until tomorrow. Because your hair isn't done, or you are wearing your sweats, or you want to loose 20 pounds first, or you are worried about what other people will think.

So, to Stephen Walker and Sally George who produced this film, thank you. It was a great lesson to us all. Go out and see it.


Saralee said…
Now you know why (much to Chloe's dismay) I go places with no bolder holder, no make up and my who cares attitude! I'm 60 and I'm free! WOO HOO!!
Becky Brown said…
YAY! I'm so glad you saw Young@Heart and loved it. It's just so powerful in a quiet, unassuming way. I'm so, so glad you enjoyed it. !Viva el Lenny!

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