Busy, Busy, Busy
Yep, that is the name of the game around here! This was my weekend:
Friday night: quality wine time with the ladies! Which of course lead to some great extra cirricular activities. For example: all the ladies grab a couple rolls of toilet paper and go tee pee ex's work van. Then, run along to another neighbors house and tee pee his car as well. Now we decide we have not had enough fun, grab the only sober driver, a couple more rolls of tee pee and go to the Corn Hustler's house, tag her front porch. Move on to Jgurl's pad and do her front yard and car! Come back to Miss Em's house after all this fun, only to be "caught" by ex for tagging his work van as he came home. Then, because you think you are so funny, blow up some balloons, grab the teepee and head back out to tag his personal truck and fill the truck bed with balloons. When the front porch lights flash off and on at you, and all of us ladies dissolve in to giggles that we have been caught, you know it was a great day!
Saturday morning: After you have not gotten in to bed until 2:30 am, up at 7:15. Not a good choice......
8:30 am Go grab some coffee and try to hook up an i.v. of it to your arm
8:45 am Get Doodle off to the free Home Depot project(they made a wood nascar shelf) with CHB's hubby
9:45 am Meet at the senior center so we can make Valentine's Day cards for all the residents
11:30 am Doodle changes in to her basketball uniform and CHB, PIA and HOW all head out to the game
1:15 pm Game over, not a win but a great effort, we head back towards home with a stop to get something to eat and to pick up the corsage for the Father/Daughter Dance
2:30 pm Freshly showered, Doodle awaits Miss Carrie to come and do her hair
4:15 pm Rush over to ex's house so Doodle can put her dress on, then the paparazzi can do their thing
4: 45 pm shove the dads and daughters out to the dance
5:00 run some errands and then go pick up Lil C for dinner
8:30 pm home and lounging
Here are some of the photos from the dance:
Every year this group of girls and their dads go to the dance together!
Last year we got a similar picture so they decided to try it again!
Beautiful Corsage!
Great dance pics!