How old are you?
I was shopping for some wool socks the other night at Fred Meyers. It was about 8:15 pm on a Wednesday night in Mtown. (We will talk more about the wool socks later.) I walk through the apparel department and I notice the 60% off clearance section. Now I LOVE LOVE LOVE me some clearance. I can NOT pass it up. No matter what store, or how little time I have, you can put your money on the fact that I will peruse the red tag items.
I stopped to look at the tops in the Junior's/Misses section. I, being of short stature, find that the length of these clothes, especially in the torso and sleeves, fit better than the clothes in the Woman's department, with the exception of petite's. ANYWAY, here I am. Looking at the tops and I turn around to look at the rack behind me, and I stop dead in my tracks. There is a woman, 45-50 years old across from me. She is wearing a peach colored silk trench coat, black leggings, knee high boots and her hair is pulled back in a no nonsense bun. She has on tasteful jewelry, accessories and makeup. BUT here is what I was thinking when I first saw her. A: Why on earth are you wearing that jacket out of the house and what possessed you to buy it in the first place? B: Even though you have amazing legs, that I secretly was jealous of, you are too old to wear leggings. C: Am I too old to be shopping in the Junior's/Misses department if YOU are here too?
I do NOT want to be that woman. You all know exactly who I am talking about. You have all been warned that if you see me behaving in this manner, please reign me in. I consider it your personal mission to make sure I do not become one of them.
So, back to the wool socks: this weekend CHB and I have to spend all day Saturday, overnight and in to Sunday at Girl Scout Camp to take a training class. While this is all fine and dandy, we will be sleeping in an open-end shelter and the temperature at night should be hovering around freezing. Ask me why I do this. Go ahead, I dare you. Oh wait, I need to come up with an answer to that huh? Well, I will update you when we get back. Let me just say that I plan to pack every blanket and sweatshirt I own.