American Idol Review

Last night, the producers of American Idol finally gave us the show we all wanted to see. A recap of all the people who had made it through during the auditions, so that by the time Hollywood week rolls around we actually know who these people are. I know there were cries of delight from CHB and I, and I am sure across the world!

As Hollywood week approaches, I get more and more excited. Who will make it this year? Will I be dissapointed like last year and every other year with the top 24? It always seems like there are a few let go that have the greatest potential. AND the people they kept instead never make it out of the top 8. Coincidence? It's hard to say, but when you have the judges making these decisions, and they are supposed to be the ones with the knowledge, it is an interesting phenomenon.

Like I have said before, I am SUPER excited to see Ellen on idol. I still miss Paula Abdul. Kara is a little less annoying the last few episodes but it remains to be seen how she will get on my nerves as the show progresses.


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