It Finally Happened...........

After more than a year, it happened........

On Saturday I was finally introduced to PB 's mom and dad.

Yes, that's right.

An ENTIRE year has passed, and then some since I met PB.

And I just met the parental units.

Here is how it all went down.

Friday, PB talked to his mom. She invited PB and I out to their campground spot on Saturday.

Of course I jumped at the opportunity!

I dropped the kids off that morning with Nana and Papa for a week of grandparents time. Then I rushed home, showered and changed and PB and I hit the road.

On the outside, I was calm and collected. Inside? A jumbled mess of nervous and anxiety.

PB? Just a nervous as I was.

An hour later, we arrive at their spot........

Both of his parents are SUPER quiet people. Like, wait for the other person to speak quiet.

Which, for those of you who know me, is very hard for me. I will keep talking to overcompensate. Which can be bad.......

In this case, I just kept reminding myself to relax.

Once I got that through my head, all was fine.

We spent a very relaxing afternoon at the campsite. We drove around on the golf cart, touring their little camp village. Which houses over 100 spots. It is a camping community, so people are able to leave their trailers there year round.

They have a clubhouse for kids, one for adults, 2 pools and a ball field.

We cooked dinner, laughed around the campfire and enjoyed each other's company.

When we left, after hugs all around, I felt that a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

I truly enjoyed getting to know them, and was happy to have finally met PB's mom, who I had heard so much about.

Apparently, I passed inspection. Or so PB has told me.

Whew! Parental inspection is never easy.

I am glad that initial meet and greet is done. Now I can relax, and just be myself and not worry.........


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