Paella and Sangria

Have you had paella? Well I haven't either; that is, until Saturday. CHB emailed her dad in Texas and asked for the recipe from Spain for paella so all the Hood Hens could imbibe. We also got the recipe for sangria; thanks Grandpa Rick!

CHB and Moxie Crimefighter shopped a couple of hours on Friday for all the ingredients and the party was set for 2:00 pm Saturday. We were instructed on what to bring, and since we were going to be in the kitchen, bring your apron!

Now many things go in to the sangria, but here is the main one:There was also brandy, triple sec, misc citrus fruits and some other yummy goodness. (Wouldn't want to give you the entire recipe now would I?)

I helped in a big way:

But these ladies did most of the work: As you can see, there is nowhere better to store the sangria than in the industrial soup kitchen sized Bubba Keg. Now for the first sip:

On to the chopping, chopping, chopping! There is pork, chicken, all different kinds of seafood, veggies and rice. This recipe requires all hands on deck though.

Miss Em had seen to all the table decorations:

After some time at the grill, CHB and Jessica call the rest of us over to see this:

It was sooooo good! I kid you not! Every last bite! The kids had hot dogs, go figure, and played in the back yard.

After some fun with the votive holders:

and some dancing on the deck:

a kiddie conga line, and games around the table with the campfire glowing in the back it was time to call it a day. Everyone had a great time.


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