Summer Camp

It's that time of year again. Summer Camp is here.

We have signed up, paid for and received our camp confirmation packet in the mail.

Now comes the fun part. Packing.

No matter how many times you have reviewed, checked and double checked the packing list, it is a guarantee that once you have shoved your kids out the car door at camp, they will have forgotten something.

Like 2 years ago when CHB forgot The Swimsuit. Awesome.

You know I will not read the list once, or even twice. I will review it 862 times, trying to make sure I have everything.

The laundry marking pen will come in to play, as well as the good 'ole Sharpie pen.

Of course there will be a trip to the store to pick out stationary, buy stamps, and whatever item we need for this year that either didn't come home from camp last year, is too small, or we simply don't like anymore.

Of course there is the packing of the bag, making sure to include a couple of HUGE Ziploc bags for the fiesta camp clothes. That way we avoid ALL of the clean clothes smelling like the campfire circle. Yummy.

Doodle's camp experience may not be complete without forgetting something. It happens every year. Thank goodness I have not been fired as Mom yet..........

HeeHaw is in charge, for the first time in Doodle's life, of picking her up from camp. I emailed him the summer schedule 2 weeks ago, with all the dates through Labor Day.

So you can imagine my frustration when he dropped the kids off last night and had no idea she was headed to camp for 6 days this Sunday. Oi.


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