Word Wednesday Volume 1

Technically it's Thursday but what the hell. I do what I want.

Going to be sharing words with you that are on my heart, and my mind. So without further ado:

make (something) suitable for a new use or purpose; modify.
"hospitals have had to be adapted for modern medical practice"
synonyms:modifyalterchangeadjustreadjustconvertredesignrestylerefashionremodelreshaperevamprework, rejig, redoreconstructreorganizeMore

  • become adjusted to new conditions.
    "a large organization can be slow to adapt to change"
    synonyms:adjust to, acclimatize oneself to, acclimate to, accommodate oneself to, attune to, conform to, habituate oneself to, become habituated to, get used to, orient oneself in, reconcile oneself to, come to terms with, get one's bearings in, find one's feet in, acculturate to, assimilate to, blend in to, fit in to
    "he has adapted well to his new home"
  • alter (a text) to make it suitable for filming, broadcasting, or the stage.
    "the miniseries was adapted from Wouk's novel"


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