I didn't vanish......... well not completely

Apparently come Thanksgiving day I was done being thankful, since I've fallen off the face of the earth since then?

This years Thanksgiving was different for sure. It was the first time in several years that I wasn't with the entire neighborhood clan.

Our group of ladies didn't get together right after Halloween to start planning the turkey day menu.

There was no running to the store the night before to grab the 3 IMPORTANT ingredients you forgot.

No rushing around Thanksgiving morning to get the car packed up.

I actually sat on my rear end, drank a cup of coffee and watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. In it's entirety. AND, I put up the Christmas tree, got all the lights on too.

I usually record the parade so that I can watch it later that weekend...........

PB had a wonderful surprise for me this Thanksgiving. As I was setting up the lights on the tree, a car pulls up outside. At first I don't recognize who it is. But as the person opens the door to get out? I screamed, ran outside in my slippers and hugged MY MOM!

PB had been working with her for a couple of weeks to get her here for the holiday! It was a great surprise!

We all got dressed and headed to PB's parents house for the holiday meal. We had a nice time, and enjoyed meeting PB's brother from out of state.

It was just different. Not bad, but not the same. I missed the easy camaraderie with my people. The few (oh who are we kidding?) several bottles of wine, the group dish washing and clean up, the olives on little fingers, going around the table saying what you are thankful for.........

I enjoyed my visit with my mom, and was sad to see her go, even though I know she will be back at Christmas. I had to work the day after Thanksgiving and my mom came to my office so we could eat lunch together. It was fun to gab for a while with no interruptions!

Hope your Turkey day was good. That you ate too much, drank too much, and enjoyed time with your favorite people!


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