

is for Lil C

My handsome young lad.

When you were born, you were not breathing. You got stuck in the birth canal and the doctors had to use the forceps to get you out. They rushed you off to the special care nursery to revitalize your 8 pound 2 ounce body. You were whisked away so quickly I did not even get to hold you in my arms. (In fact, you "saw" every member of the family before I laid eyes on you for the first time.)

You had a nice cone shaped head with a little bit of light blond peach fuzz. You were the best little baby I had ever known. You rarely cried, except for 1 month of colic hell, and you were so easy to make smile.

When you were 9 months old you got the chicken pox. You were so good about it! You hung out at Nana's house until you were no longer contagious...... my little polka dot prince!

When you sister was little you were so sweet and loving towards her, the perfect picture of a big brother.

Such an angel while you slept.
A super ham all the time. Any chance you got to perform, you took it!
You and your baseball........ you loved to play! You ate, slept and drank and breathed baseball.

As you turned 9,10 and 11, you would still ham it up if you knew your friends weren't around.
12 years old and a super camper, explorer, lover of nature.
13 and so concerned about what you looked like. Had to be cool, especially for the ladies!
14 and you switched to soccer. You excelled at it; especially after picking it back up from a 4 year absence.

I am so excited to see the man you will become. You are so sweet and I know some day you will make a great father.

To my son, quickly turning from a boy to a man:
I wish for you smooth sailing through these high school years.
I have so much faith in you.
I love you.


Saralee said…
and . . . I love you too! You are this Nana's dream come true of a grandson!It's hard to believe how that sweet little baby has grown into such a fine young man so quickly! You are the best Colton!

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